Different Functions Of An Automatic Pool Cover

In your backyard are many fun tools and toys that perform different duties. However, on your swimming pool is a jack-of-all-trades, an important safety tool that performs many different functions. This amazing apparatus is the automatic pool cover. 

You can also Look at here to know the benefits of pool covers in protecting your backyard swimming pool.

Prevent Evaporation

An automatic pool cover acts as a VAPOR BARRIER that almost completely stops evaporation from happening. An automatic pool cover is designed to have 85% of it resting on the swimming pool’s surface when it is deployed over the pool. 

This leaves very little space for evaporation to occur. When the pool cover is over the pool it will save you a lot of water, and in turn, also save you some money.

Save Electricity

Automatic covers reduce the amount of energy needed for the filtration of the pool. Electricity is required to run the pool pump and filter. An automatic cover keeps dirt and debris out of your pool, saving up to 50% on electricity because the filtration equipment can be operated much less frequently.

Keep Heat Inside the Pool

An automatic pool cover also performs the function of being a THERMAL BLANKET. When it covers the swimming pool it traps the heat in the pool much like a regular blanket does when you cover yourself on a cool night. 

If you are a swimming pool owner who likes to extend the swimming season by heating the pool, this can save you a whole lot of energy; as a matter of fact, with the energy you save you can pay for the automatic pool cover in as little as three years.